The Big Skip?

Suddenly Vinnie gets a grin all over his face. “Tell me something, Cathleen. Suppose I’m a pilot in a shuttle craft like in Star Trek. Tell me how conditions change as I dive down into Jupiter.”

“Hmm .. okay. Mind you, it’ll be a dangerous flight. You’ll fly through an atmosphere that’s mostly molecular hydrogen which is notorious for sneaking into metallic materials and weakening them. I recommend investing in a Starfleet‑grade force shield to keep the atmosphere completely away from your hull. While you’re in the stratosphere high above the cloud decks you’ll see a deep blue sky pretty much the same as Earth’s stratosphere. Try to avoid the thin gray clouds in the upper troposphere — their greasy hydrocarbons will fog your windshield. You want to stick to clear air as much as possible so dodge around the white ammonia‑ice zones. You can drop a couple hundred kilometers more before you hit the top of a brownish ammonium sulfides band.”

“Once I’m that deep there’s clear air underneath the white deck, right?”

“We just don’t know. Unlikely, but if you do want to fly beneath a zone you’ll have to traverse the jetstream separating it from your band. Pick the pole‑ward zone — jetstreams on that side seem to host fewer thunderstorms. Strap in for the jump, because the jetstreams sustain windspeeds 2‑3 times what we get in a Category 5 hurricane. Things’ll get muddier when you drop beneath the brown clouds.”

“Brown as mud, uh-huh.”

“No, I mean literal mud, maybe. First there’s a water‑ice layer and below that there may be a layer of clay‑ish or silicate droplets which may include water of crystallization. I like to visualize clouds of opal, but of course there’d be no sunlight to see them by. A bit lower and you’ll fly through helium rain. Get past all that and you’re about 20% of the way down, about two Earth diameters.”

“That’s where I bump into something?”

“No, that’s the transition zone where heat and pressure convert molecular H₂ into a metallic fluid of protons embedded in a conducting ocean of electrons. Sy, how do you suppose that would affect Vinnie’s aerodynamics?”

“Destructively. If his shuttle’s skin doesn’t rupture he’d be floating rather than sinking. Net density of an intact hull and everything inside would be less than the prevailing density outside where protons are crammed together. Even powered descent would be tough.”

“Sy, that’s exactly what my crazy idea needs! Cathleen, when’s your next Crazy Theory seminar?”

“Not until next term, some time in the Fall. C’mon, Vinnie, out with it!”

Magnetism and wind map by NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/John E. Connerney. Great Red Spot image added by the author.

“All right. That diagram you showed us with the red and blue spots in Jupiter’s off‑center magnetic field? It got me thinking. You get magnetism from moving charge, right, and they say Earth’s field comes from swirls in the molten iron deep underneath our crust. Jupiter doesn’t have iron so much, but you say it’s got electrons in liquid metallic hydrogen and that oughta be able to swirl, too. Maybe Jupiter has a shallow major swirl on that one side.”

“And just what do you suggest would cause a swirl like that?”

“Al was talking the other day about ‘the grand tack hypothesis‘ where Jupiter waltzed in across the inner Solar System before it waltzed back out and settled down where it’s at. Suppose while it was waltzing it hit a planetoid, maybe the size of Io. The little guy couldn’t sink and wouldn’t stick because metallic hydrogen’s liquid so it’d skip across the surface and shoot away and maybe became a moon. That’d raise a swirl like I’m talking about. See, on the map a line crossing the line between the magnetic red and blue spots could be the skip path.”


“Hey, and the Great Red Spot, see how it’s like opposite to where I guess the hit was, that’d be like a through-planet resonance like on Mars where that Hellas meteor strike is opposite the Tharsis Bulge.”

<long pause>

“I dunno, Cathleen, Io’s so weird, do you suppose…”

“I dunno, Sy. Io has that magnetic bridge to Jupiter…”

~ Rich Olcott

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